Festival Artists 2024



A new Prog Metal experience

Hamáhólo' Ogo Cyrax
  • Hamáhólo' Ogo

CYRAX is the meeting of inventive Italian musicians living in the neighborhoods of Milan. All began in 2012, when Marco Cantoni met Antonio Rubuano and Paolo Musazzi, and they instantly started writing music. Based on some original Marcos’s ideas, Cyrax’s songs were written in late 2012, gradually assuming strong progressive and experimental traits. In 2013 Cesare Ferrari and Paolo Biocchi joined the project. In march the group records its debut album, Reflections, which has been worldwide published in october 2013 by Musea. The second album Pictures was recorded during the summer of 2014 and published by Bakerteam Records. At the beginning of 2015 Paolo Musazzi left the band. Tour started in December 2015, and after several line up changes, Gianluca Fraschini and Martin Chionna joined the band and played a crucial role in the composition of the third album. “Experiences”, was released in December 2020 under Wormhole Records. During the recording sessions a young pianist by the name of Jacopo Bonora joined the band, and a few months later Cyrax recorded with him 5 songs for their new ep “Metamorphosis”.

In this new Ep the band chose to re-visit some of their older songs and completely change them, adding new instruments, orchestrations, choirs and much more. The style of these songs is now completely unique to each one of them, and they represent the ever-changing and evolving style that Cyrax adopted as his own.

Band Members: Marco Cantoni (Vocals and Choirs) • Gianluca Fraschini (Guitars and Choirs) • Lorenzo Beltrami (Drums, Percussions and Choirs)


4 ragazzi di milano spaziano dal cantautorato psichedelico ad un rock più articolato

How To Go Insane Mathela
  • How To Go Insane

I Mathela sono una band difficile da categorizzate in un genere musicale, i 4 ragazzi di milano spaziano dal cantautorato psichedelico ad un rock più articolato. Il gruppo dopo essersi fatto strada nel panorama milanese riesce a suonare in molti locali e in numerosi festival. A inizio 2023, preceduto da 3 singoli, viene pubblicato, con l’etichetta PAF Lab Records, il loro primo Ep: “In apparenza”, prodotto insieme a Flavio Bargna. Le 5 canzoni raccontano di una visione riflessiva sulla realtà che ci circonda, narrando la ricerca esigente di un’identità singolare all’interno della società odierna.



Mix of heavy metal, thrash metal, and nu metal

Man On The Table Crownlake
  • Man On The Table

In the smoldering musical cauldron between Verbania and Domodossola, the powerful flame of Crownlake came to life in 2011. The founding members (vocalist Chris Da Ros and guitarist Aram Kalaydjian) catapulted their musical passions into the abyss of metal, forging a sound that is pure, dynamic, and, let’s say it without mincing words, fucking yeah!

Power Surge of 2022:
New elements join the metal brotherhood as Crownlake experiences a power surge in 2022 with the addition of Alessandro Berini on bass and Andrea Palumbo on drums. These exceptional musicians have brought new levels of power and precision, solidifying the unique sound of Crownlake. This fusion of rebellious minds has birthed a project that goes far beyond traditional musical boundaries, transforming metal into a captivating and irresistible experience.

The Sound:
Crownlake’s sound is a sonic tornado embracing metal in all its forms. From thunderous riffs to frenetic rhythms, their mix of heavy metal, thrash metal, and nu metal is a wild journey that knows no bounds. Armenian ethnic influences intertwine with pure power, adding a distinctive and unexpected touch to their repertoire.

Crownlake has graced the stages of the most iconic festivals, from Grave Party to VooBstock, Pirates of Rock to a triumphant first prize at Bustock (Busto Arsizio) in 2014. Their presence is like thunder resonating, an experience etched in the memory of anyone within their reach.

The Future:
Crownlake shows no signs of slowing down. Their burning flame continues to create emotions, rebellious riffs, and an explosion of energy, soon giving birth to a new EP.
Let’s get the assault started!

Band Members: Chris Da Ros (vocals) • Aram Kalaydjian (guitar) • Alessandro Berini (bass) • Andrea Palumbo (drums)

Boobs Lickers

Funk Rock Psichedelico from Italy

Groovie Effect Boobs Lickers
  • Groovie Effect

I “Boobs Lickers” sono un trio Funk Rock Psichedelico nato a Verbania intorno al 2013 dalle menti dei suoi creatori:

-Giovanni Scalfi : Voce 1 – Basso Elettrico-Chitarra Acustica.
-Luca Suman: Voce 2 –Cori- Chitarra elettrica- Chitarra Acustica- Tastiere.
-Alessandro Rossi : Batteria- Tastiere-Pianoforte

“Crediamo fortemente nelle grandi emozioni che la nostra musica ci regala e ci stupiamo di quanta grinta e spontaneità emanano i nostri corpi ogni volta che saliamo su un palco. Siamo definitivamente una Live Band ma nonostante cio’, ci siamo impegnati a fondo affinchè nelle nostre produzioni risuonassero queste caratteristiche!”.

“Grezzi, Sudati ed un po’ sopra le righe, determinati nel raggiungere gli obbiettivi che ci siam posti: Ritagliarci il nostro spazio a suon di Funky Music all’interno del panorama underground della musica Italiana ed estera”.

Band Members: Giovanni Scalfi (vocals, bass, guitar) • Luca Suman (vocals, guitar, keyboard) • Alessandro Rossi (drums, piano)
Flag of Austria

The Spooky Guests

Psychobilly, Rock'n'Roll, Rockabilly and Punk from Vienna, Austria.

The Spooky Guests
The Mystery Man The Spooky Guests
  • The Mystery Man

THE SPOOKY GUESTS – Wreckin’ with the spook! Brought to life in the catacombs of Vienna by Thore Tornado, a renowned Guitarist in the Viennese music scene. International class, hooked on Rock ‘n’ Roll and on traveling. The faster, the louder, the farther the better. The EP „UP TO THE TEN“ (El Corredor Records, 2021) was produced and recorded of one’s own bat in November and December 2020. Lyrics were provided by lyricists from Switzerland, Italy, Great Britain and USA. It is available on all relevant download portals around the globe and the songs are getting constant airplay on various radio stations.
The Spooky Guests are stylistically moving in the punk hemisphere. Psychobilly, Rock ‘n’ Roll and Punk is lived and celebrated. Hair styled, beer grabbed and off you go, that’s the plan!

Band Members: Thore Tornado (vocals and guitar) • Lukas Hofstätter (drums) • Manfred Taibl (slap bass)

Picaro And The Magic Theatre

Psychedelic Rock Band from Italy

Adil Picaro And The Magic Theatre
  • Adil

Picaro And The Magic Theatre is a psychedelic rock band that blends 60s/70s rock roots with jazz, free improvisation and stoner rock.

The band was founded by the guitarist/flutist/composer Marco Picaro, after playing 10 years with his psych rock blues band “Ramrod”, together with the bass/double bass player Michele Isoni, the piano/organ/synth player Giuseppe Troncale and the drummer Pietro Giovaninetti.

The band plays compositions by Marco Picaro and is focused on the development of its own musical aesthetic that, even preserving its strong roots, is always looking for new directions.

On the 1st of March 2024 they published on Bandcamp, Youtube and all digital platforms, their single “Adil”, the first of their musical journey.

Band Members: Marco Picaro (vocals, guitar, flute, composition) • Michele Isoni (bass guitar, double bass) • Giuseppe Troncale (electric organ, electric piano, synthesizers) Pietro Giovaninetti (drums)

The Guy From The Hills

Folk / Blues from Italy

The Guy From The Hill
Poor Black Mattie The Guy From The Hills
  • Poor Black Mattie

Il progetto The Guy From The Hills ha origini lontane ma si concretizza sul finire del 2018 ed è la celebrazione di un amore viscerale per il blues più scarno, crudo, primordiale.
Dopo anni passati a suonare con diverse band ho deciso che dovevo assecondare il bisogno di intraprendere un viaggio più intimo e personale. Così ho costruito una wine box guitar ed ho selezionato un repertorio composto da brani di grandi personalità del Delta blues, Hill country blues e folk, oltre che ad alcune composizioni originali.
The Guy From The Hills è una chitarra, una voce e qualche storia da raccontare


Euphoria Zero

Rock Melodico e Hard Rock Classico Italiano.

Euphoria Zero
Abbraccio Perfetto Euphoria Zero
  • Abbraccio Perfetto

Rock band novarese con influenze blues e hard/rock ma rigorosamente in lingua italiana.
I’idea nasce da Andrea “Jimmy” Geraci (voce e autore dei testi) nel 2014. Inizialmente il progetto è pensato unicamente come lavoro in studio fine a se stesso.
Soltanto alla fine del 2021, con l’arrivo di Cristian Pinna alla chitarra e Laura Rivera al basso, alcuni brani precedentemente scritti, vengono riarrangiati e con l’aggiunta di Jean Luca Pinna alla batteria, il quartetto lavora a nuovi brani.

Band Members: Andrea “Jimmy” Geraci (vocals) • Cristian Pinna (guitar) • Laura Rivera (bass) • Jean Luca Pinna (drums)

All That Drama

Rock / Pop

All That Drama
Good Girl Gone Mad All That Drama
  • Good Girl Gone Mad

All That Drama è un gruppo originario di Novara, i cui membri sono Lisa Barletta alla voce , Gianluca Poma alla chitarra, Alessandro Prestigiacomo al basso e Massimo Sinatra alla batteria.
La nostra musica è energia, è freschezza, è rock con una bel pizzico di pop, fa divertire ma ti fa anche emozionare. Per noi è fondamentale far trasparire chi siamo attraverso i nostri inediti e creare una connessione con chi li ascolta. Abbiamo suonato in diversi locali del nord Italia e la definizione più adatta per descriverci sul palco è “esuberanti”: l’interazione con le persone per noi è tutto.

Band Members: Lisa Barletta (vocals) • Gianluca Poma (guitar) • Alessandro Prestigiacomo (bass) • Massimo Sinatra (drums)

Kozmic Blues

Janis Joplin Tribute from Italy

Kozmic Blues
Piece Of My Heart & Half Moon Kozmic Blues
  • Piece Of My Heart & Half Moon

I Kozmic Blues nascono nel 2017 con l’intento di omaggiare la più grande voce bianca del rock blues, Janis Joplin, e lo spirito della generazione di Woodstock.

Band Members: Laura (voce) • Marcello (chitarra) • Alessandro (basso) • Simone (batteria)

The Skys

Rock from Lithuania

The Skys
Communication The Skys
  • Communication

The Skys is the leading rock band in Lithuania. It is also the most recognized Lithuanian band abroad.
The band had many solo gigs and participated in various festivals in Europe, Canada, USA and Japan,
The Skys shared the stage with Rick Wakeman (ex-YES), Blues Brothers, The Exploited, Lifesigns, Delirium, John Young Band, Arena and many more.

Band Members: Jonas Čiurlionis (vocals, lead guitar) • Božena Buinicka (keyboards, vocals) • Carlo Morelli (drums)

Festival Artists: